The Gamers 2037 is a 26 episode TV series that follows a group of three teens in their attempts to compete against a malevolent AI game that absorbs any player that loses.

Beat the game or become the game.


Created & Directed by: Keaton Stewart
Series Producer: Monica O’Brien
Production Company: Ambience Entertainment
DP: Michael Steel
Production & Costume Designer: Jan Hurley

Kite  Miah Madden
Xeon – Ashleigh Ross
Galahad – Marvin Rowland

theGamers2037_Kite in the dark
theGamers2037_Galahad serious to Kite
theGamers2037_Gal at the pedestal
theGamers2037_Gal against the wall
theGamers2037_Kite CU
theGamers2037_Xeon in Ark
theGamers2037_Xeon & Gal on stairs
theGamers2037_Kite temple
theGamers2037_Gal looks up
The Gamers tv series: Galahad ahead of girls
theGamers2037_Dark stairs
The Gamers tv series: Xeon infront of green Vaarg
theGamers2037_Kite at the Box
the Gamers 2037 Galahad at support
theGamers2037_Kite in the headlights
theGamers2037_Xeon CU
theGamers2037_The Game Master
theGamers2037_Gal & Xeon look at Kite
The Gamers tv series: Kite's Avatar
theGamers2037_Xeon in red Ark
theGamers2037_Kite at support
theGamers2037_Gal social media
theGamers2037_Xeon in Ark wide
theGamers2037_Xeon in blue