This is a series of 5 comedic 30 second commercials for the Simba bedding company


Company: Paper Moose
Director: Nick Hunter
Producer: Maren Smith
DOP: Michael Steel
Production & Costume Designer: Courtney Westbrook
Gaffer: Steve Schofield
1st AC: Neal Von Dinklage
Editor: Monique Upton

Simba tvc frame: Man sitting on bed with couple
Simba tvc frame: Wide shot of Man sitting on bed with couple
Simba tvc frame: Man stands at bedhead
Simba tvc frame: freaks out
Simba tvc frame: at bedhead while couple sleep
Simba tvc frame: Dr.Man sits on bed with dinner tray_wide
Simba tvc frame: Dr.Man CU on bed with silver tray
Simba tvc frame: Couple sleep at night
Simba tvc frame: Man in bed freaks out
Simba tvc frame: Birdman in blue
Simba tvc frame: Sleep doctor stands while woman calls
Simba tvc frame: Phone line gets cut
Simba tvc frame: Sleep Dr. smiles to camera
Simba tvc frame: Red bird
Simba tvc fram: Sleep Dr. & naked man with pillow
Simba tvc frame: Man adresses camera at night
Simba tvc frame: Sleeping man CU
Simba tvc fram: Naked man pleads to wife
Simba tvc frame: Sleep Dr. in bed with couple
Simba tvc fram: Both men naked