Sanctuary follows the story of Lia, who is institutionalised after witnessing her father’s murder, the memory of which continues to haunt her. As a way to cope, she retreats to her sanctuary where memories and the real world start to collide.


Director: Benedict Samuels
Producer: Annmaree J. Bell
DOP: Michael Steel
Production Designer: Lauren Richards
Costume Designer: Sally-Anne Andrews
Editor: Gabriel Dowrick
Gaffer: John Frank
Sound Design: Linda Campbell
1st AC: Damian Smith

Sanctuary film frame Woman and man in bed
Sanctuary film frame Woman and Man look at mirror
Sanctuary film frame couple in bed
Sanctuary film frame woman gets dressed
Sanctuary film frame Woman smiles
Sanctuary film frame Man looks at woman
Sanctuary film frame woman submerged in bath
Sanctuary film frame woman dragged down hallway
Sanctuary film frame woman screams in bed
Sanctuary film frame woman pleads to nurse
Sanctuary film frame Woman with Matron
Sanctuary film frame Man looks in bathtub
Sanctuary film frame parklands
Sanctuary film frame Woman in nightmare bed