“Beast” centers on Jaime, a Filipino-American boxer trained by his ex-pat father. When he’s convinced to tamper with his gloves in order to win a match for some criminals who have a stake in the bout, Jaime’s opponent winds up dead at its conclusion. To clear his conscience, he resolves to turn himself in, but it’s a decision that will force him to go on the run from the criminals who don’t want the word getting out.
- Toronto International Film Festival 2015 Premiere
- Warsaw Film Festival 2015
- Adelaide Film Festival 2015
- Singapore International Film Festival 2015
- Canberra International Film Festival 2015
- Sydney Film Festival 2016
- World Premiere Film Festival Philippines 2016 Winner Best Feature Film ASEAN skies competition, winner Best Male Actor ASEAN skies competition
- Silk Road International Film Festival 2016
- Film Fest Tucson 2016
- Guam International Film Festival 2016
Directors: McKeith Bros
Producers: Robert Coe, Will Jaymes & Bianca Balbuena
Starring: Garret Dillahunt, Angeli Bayani, Will Jaymes & introducing Chad McKinney.